The Genomic Landscape and Tumor Heterogeneity of Lung Adenocarcinoma in East Asia

Illumina Webinar

Webinar Speakers

Dr. Zhai Weiwei
Principle Investigator, Institute of Zoology
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Weiwei was trained as an evolutionary geneticist with a focus on Population Genetics. After his Ph.D. from University of California Berkeley, he started a new research direction understanding the evolution of somatic cells in multi-cellular organisms. Using lung and liver cancer as the model systems, he has been interested in the origin of tumor heterogeneity and evolution in Asia.

Dr. Chen Jianbin
Post Doctoral Fellow
Genome Institute of Singapore, Singapore

Jianbin received his Ph.D. training in developmental genetics from National University of Singapore. He has been interested in deciphering cancer genomics from various angles with artificial intelligence and improving patient outcome with the new insights. His current focus are lung and liver cancer.

Webinar Abstract

Lung cancer is the world’s leading cause of cancer death and shows strong ancestry disparities. Using genomic and transcriptomic sequencing across many patients as well as multiple sectors from multiple tumors, we characterized the genomic landscape of lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) in East Asians (EAS). In this talk, we will first compare the level of tumor heterogeneity between patients from Asian and European Ancestry. Subsequently, we will systematically compare the genomic differences between these two ethnic backgrounds ranging from driver genes, copy number alterations, RNA subgroups as well as prognostic modeling. At the end of the talk, we will discuss what are the important questions and promising new directions for the field. Taken together, we will elucidate a comprehensive genomic landscape of EAS LUADs and highlight important ancestry differences between the two cohorts.

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