Detect multiple respiratory viruses including SARS-COV-2

Illumina Webinars

Webinar Date
23<sup style="line-height:0px;">rd</sup> September 2020, Wednesday
Webinar Time
07:30 am - 08:30 am (Delhi)<br> 10:00 am - 11:00 am (Singapore)<br> 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (Seoul / Tokyo)<br> 12:00 pm - 01:00 pm (Melbourne)<br> 02:00 pm - 03:00 pm (Auckland)
Webinar Speakers

Jonathan Hetzel, PhD
Scientist II, Product Development,
Illumina Inc.

Jonathan Hetzel, PhD was received the Ph.D., degrees in Biological Sciences from University of California San Diego in 2016. Since he joined Illumina, he has 4 years developing experience for NGS assays and performing proof of principle work for new applications as a member of product development.

Followings are his current major focus,

  • Design and test hybrid capture panels using Illumina’s enrichment-based library preparation kit Nextera Flex for Enrichment and RNA Prep with Enrichment,
  • Lead development of targeted applications for microbiology using on-market NGS solutions.
Webinar Abstract

Viral infections are a major global health concern, with new infectious diseases continuing to emerge. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a powerful method for the broad-range detection and identification of known and emerging respiratory viruses, including SARS-CoV-2. In this webinar, Jon Hetzel will introduce our new respiratory virus oligo panel (RVOPv2) and workflow that combines a new RNA library prep and viral target enrichment.

RVOPv2 offers an easy-to-follow workflow, improved sensitivity for both detection and full genome characterization of multiple respiratory pathogens in one test. Target enrichment for a broad range of respiratory viruses enables the detection and monitoring of co-infections which can present a major challenge in disease treatment.

* If you are interested but not able to make it for this webinar, please feel free to register to be notified when it is available on-demand where you can watch it at your convenience.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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