Vannesa Mok
Technical Applications Scientist
Vannessa graduated from Nanyang Technological University in 2013 majoring in Biological Sciences. She worked in a translational research lab and was in charge of both the Illumina microarray (HiScan system) and NGS platforms (MiSeq and NextSeq systems). She then moved to become a Field Application Specialist supporting both genomics and protein biochemistry products at Research Instruments Pte Ltd. Vannessa joined Illumina as a Technical Application Scientist in August 2019.
This webinar aims to give an introduction to the Beeline 2.0 software which include the following topics: generation of GTC files from Infinium genotyping data; Beeline 2.0 features, including QC, filtering, and reporting; and GenomeStudio integration. Examples of Infinium genotyping data analysis workflows will be discussed. This webinar is targeted to new and intermediate users with a basic knowledge of working with genotyping data in GenomeStudio.