Introduction to Beeline 2.0 Software and Array Analysis Workflows

Illumina Techsupport Webinars

Webinar Speakers

Vannesa Mok
Technical Applications Scientist

Vannessa graduated from Nanyang Technological University in 2013 majoring in Biological Sciences. She worked in a translational research lab and was in charge of both the Illumina microarray (HiScan system) and NGS platforms (MiSeq and NextSeq systems). She then moved to become a Field Application Specialist supporting both genomics and protein biochemistry products at Research Instruments Pte Ltd. Vannessa joined Illumina as a Technical Application Scientist in August 2019.

Webinar Abstract

This webinar aims to give an introduction to the Beeline 2.0 software which include the following topics: generation of GTC files from Infinium genotyping data; Beeline 2.0 features, including QC, filtering, and reporting; and GenomeStudio integration. Examples of Infinium genotyping data analysis workflows will be discussed. This webinar is targeted to new and intermediate users with a basic knowledge of working with genotyping data in GenomeStudio.

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