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Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) is the world's top infectious killer, and the growing prevalence of drug-resistant TB poses formidable challenges in controlling this disease. Universal access to comprehensive drug susceptibility testing (DST) is a key component of the WHO End-TB strategy.

In this talk, Dr. Camilla will share from the point of view of a clinician and clinical microbiologist, the impact of NGS in supporting MTB treatment and patient management, and what is needed to bring the next-generation TB care closer to patients.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • What are the tests currently employed by clinicians for drug susceptibility testing (DST) in tuberculosis (TB)?

  • How does next generation sequencing (NGS) add value to increasing universal access to accurate drug susceptibility testing (DST) in high TB burden countries?

  • What are the advances made in recent years which bring us closer to realizing the potential of NGS in TB DST and supporting DR-TB patient treatment?

Headshot Dr. Camilla Rodrigues

Dr. Camilla Rodrigues
Consultant Microbiologist and Chair Infection Control Committee,
P.D. Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai, India

Dr. Camilla Rodrigues is a Senior Consultant microbiologist and the Chair of the Infection Control Committee at the P.D. Hinduja Hospital and Medical Research Centre.

She has decades of experience running a high-volume TB laboratory, training microbiologists, doctoral candidates, and clinicians. Her research has resulted in 335 publications and focused on rapid diagnostics, especially TB, including optimization of culture techniques to improve yield, detection of resistance to TB drugs, and molecular assays for rapid detection of XDR-TB-associated genetic mutations.

She has several international partnerships, including NIH and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded projects. Her collaborators have included the University of California San Diego, Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics, Foundation Merieux, Cepheid, and academic groups from Johns Hopkins (USA), McGill (Canada) Imperial College London.