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Technical Support invites users to join us for a discussion of the MiSeq system. The MiSeq System offers integrated cluster generation, amplification, sequencing, and data analysis into a single instrument.

This webinar will go through troubleshooting considerations at each of these steps and is targeted toward new and intermediate users with a basic understanding of the Illumina sequencing workflow and the Sequence Analysis Viewer (SAV) software. We will cover the following topics: run setup and start best practices, assessment of runs in progress using SAV, and tips and best practices.

Vannessa Mok
Technical Applications Scientist,

Vannessa graduated from Nanyang Technological University in 2013 majoring in Biological Sciences. She worked in a translational research lab and was in charge of both the Illumina microarray (HiScan system) and NGS platforms (MiSeq and NextSeq systems). She then moved to become a Field Application Specialist supporting both genomics and protein biochemistry products at Research Instruments Pte Ltd. Vannessa joined Illumina as a Technical Application Scientist in August 2019.