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A walk through the AmpliSeq for Illumina which offers a suite of AmpliSeq chemistry products that are compatible with Illumina next-generation sequencing platforms. A solution that not only offers a highly multiplexed polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based workflow for targets ranging from a few to hundreds in a single run but also with high-confidence data to researchers in a wide variety of application areas including cancer and genetic diseases. Also, an introduction to the small oncology panels offered by Pillar Biosciences using the SLIMamp chemistry.

This webinar focuses on introducing both AmpliSeq and Pillar panels which could be utilized for a variety of genomes with unmatched flexibility with either predesigned or customized panels. It also aims at introducing analysis options, supporting pipelines as well as understanding of DesignStudio and ICI.


Shreya Verma
Technical Applications Scientist,

Shreya holds a Master’s degree in Biomedical Genetics from V.I.T University, Vellore; and conducted her thesis and research work at the Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc., Bangalore).

With 12 years of experience in both industry and academia across India and Europe, Shreya has garnered various accolades and acquired strong experience in Genomics, Translational Biology, Cancer Research, Molecular & Cell Biology, and Neuro-genetics. She has extensive experience in Library Prep and analysis. Her expertise encompasses key areas such as Cancer Mutation, Onco-immunology, Viral testing, Metagenomics, and Single Cell Sequencing across Illumina and Nanopore platforms.

Prior to joining Illumina as a Technical Applications Scientist, Shreya led the NGS team at Syngene International Pvt. Ltd. Currently, she provides support for Library preparation and Instrumentation workflows.