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BaseSpace Sequence Hub is Illumina’s cloud-based sequencing data analysis solution that integrates seamlessly with all Illumina’s sequencing devices and offers scalable storage and bioinformatics analysis functions.

In this webinar, we'll talk about how BaseSpace Sequence Hub may help increase organizational productivity by giving users easy access to a variety of genomic analysis tools and computing resources without the capital expenditure of an in-house infrastructure.

We will cover the following topics: How to navigate the BaseSpace dashboard, BaseSpace functionally, How to upload/view data in BaseSpace, discussion of major analysis workflows, general overview of how to analyze data on BaseSpace.


Mohit Jha, PhD
Senior Technical Applications Scientist,

Mohit obtained his engineering degree in Information Technology followed by M.Tech. and PhD in Bioinformatics.

Mohit has an experience of more than 14 years working in the field of bioinformatics. He has taken up multiple different roles in his career which include teaching, coding, research/analysis, and support. His experience includes a significant amount of work focused on software pipeline building and Next-Generation sequencing data analysis. Mohit began employment with Illumina in October 2022 as a Senior Technical Applications Scientist.