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Selective Advances in Cattle Breeding | Adventures in Genomics

10067 views | 7 years ago

The world population is continuously growing. As the second largest producer and largest exporter of beef in the world, Brazil has an important role in feeding such a population. Jacques and Irene from...

Sophia’s iHope Story: Diagnosing a Rare De Novo Mutation

5752 views | 7 years ago

Sophia and her family spent years in search of a diagnosis for her condition. Finally, a de novo mutation was discovered through a clinical whole genome sequencing (cWGS) test she received from the...

Illumina in France

1822 views | 7 years ago

Illumina has opened its first Commercial and Training Center in France. The Solutions Center on the Genopole Campus in Évry, near Paris will offer demonstrations, instruction, and education in the latest...

Introduction to BaseSpace™ Clarity LIMS

13962 views | 7 years ago

Join Jill Hesse, Product Manager, and Brian Steffy, Senior Lab Manager, to learn about BaseSpace™ Clarity Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). This video provides an overview of how this...

The Fruits of Fruit Fly Research| Adventures in Genomics

71278 views | 7 years ago

The Fruits of Fruit Fly Research| Adventures in Genomics Fruit fly outbreaks can cause a large amount of damage to fruits and the economy. Adult females lay their eggs inside the fruit, causing it to...

illumina i3 Campus – Work Anywhere Project

8441 views | 7 years ago

Illumina would like to introduce our new addition — a 7-acre, 316,000 square-foot complex called the i3 campus. Consisting of three buildings, the i3 campus emphasizes openness, with ample windows to...

Illumina Accelerator | Graduate, Resilient Biotics Shares Its Story

548 views | 7 years ago

Illumina Accelerator graduate, Resilient Biotics, Inc., shares its experiences on launching a breakthrough genomics startup. Hear from Chris Belnap, PhD, CEO of Resilient Biotics about his journeys...

Massively Parallel Sequencing: Making the MPS Vision an Everyday Reality

3520 views | 7 years ago

Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) has become increasingly popular among forensic genomics laboratories. However, there are some challenges to implementation. Experts in the field of forensic genomics...