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MiSeq System Performance Enhancements

2431 views | 1 decade ago

Since its debut in September 2011, the MiSeq system is becoming a fixture in clinical and translational labs for amplicon sequencing, small genome sequencing, QC and other applications. Chemistry and...

Sequencing Data Quality Roundtable (Part 2)

168 views | 1 decade ago

Part 2 - Certain aspects of accuracy in next-generation sequencing can carry higher risks in specific applications, like clinical sequencing. Illumina product experts discuss what attributes of a sequencing...

Sequencing Data Quality Roundtable (Part 1)

480 views | 1 decade ago

Part 1 - Next-generation sequencing data accuracy is defined by a number of factors. False positives, false negatives, coverage and other metrics are important to consider. Illumina product experts...

Sequencing Data Quality Roundtable (Part 4)

127 views | 1 decade ago

Part 4 - Next-generation sequencing technology advancements and informatics understanding have brought us to the point where you can build a "portable" genome. Illumina product experts discuss how next-generation...

Sequencing Data Quality Roundtable (Part 3)

133 views | 1 decade ago

Part 3 - In next-generation sequencing, there has been a lot of focus on the throughput of systems. As new ranges of applications and sample types are introduced, the conversation shifts to accuracy....

Agriculture Breeding Overview

3655 views | 1 decade ago

Healthier herds. More accurate prediction of genetic merit. Sharpen selective breeding. Animal genetics is making all this and more possible. Enhance desirable traits. Increase animal health and welfare....

Illumina VeraCode Technology Overview

4014 views | 1 decade ago

The VeraCode technology solution from Illumina represents a revolution in multiplexed molecular testing genotyping gene expression and protein-based assays.

Illumina Infinium HD FFPE Restoration Solution Overview

1619 views | 1 decade ago

Archival Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) samples hold an abundance of invaluable information for human cancer studies. Because these samples generally yield highly degraded DNA, they perform...