
Scientists have harnessed powerful data analysis tools and three-dimensional studies of genomic geography to implicate new risk genes for complex diseases.  Knowing the causative genes may later open the door to more effective treatments.

Dr Struan Grant focuses on complex disease, specifically in relation to pediatrics. Distillation of the genetic component in complex traits should be easier to determine in children, where the relatively short period of their lifetime limits the impact of environmental exposure. 

Learn more about a Capture C based approach that Grant’s team used to address pediatric loci associated with bone mineral density.  The purpose of their study was to use GWAS-derived locations of bone mineral density variants in a high-resolution, 3D “variant-to-gene” mapping exercise to identify new genes with a potential “causative role” in osteoporosis.

Research methods could be broadly utilized for other complex diseases with a genetic component.

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Date & Time
17 Oct. 2019
North America
Co-Director of Center for Spatial and Functional Genomics at the University of Pennsylvania
Struan F.A. Grant, PhD
Complex disease genomics
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