Genomics is enabling discoveries that were unimaginable only a few years ago.
At Illumina, we believe we are part of the most important human health transformation of our generation, as sequencing continues to deliver new insights into the genome.
Genomics enables life-impacting science on everything from COVID-19 and infectious disease to cancer and sustainable agriculture. It has been integrated into clinical practice at a faster rate than almost any innovation in the history of medicine.
Join us in Melbourne to hear from genomics thought leaders on how genomics is having a meaningful impact, creating a path toward personalised medicine and inspiring hope worldwide.
The Illumina Genomics Summit will reinvigorate the conversation around genomics as a key driver for human health.
Speaker Highlights:
- Prof. Kathryn North AC, Director, Murdoch Children's Research Institute
- Prof. David Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, Omico: Australian Genomic Cancer Medicine Centre
- Prof. Benjamin Howden, Director, Microbiological Diagnostic Unit (MDU) Public Health Laboratory
- Prof. Sean Grimmond, Director, University of Melbourne Centre for Cancer Research, University of Melbourne
- Assoc. Prof. Richard Tothill, Principal Research Fellow: Cancer Genomics Group Leader, University of Melbourne
- Dr. Marie-Jo Brion, Data Manager, Australian
- Kate Beattie, President, Batten Disease Support and Research Association
- Assoc. Prof. Joseph Powell, Director, Garvan-Weizmann Centre for Cellular Genomics; Deputy Director UNSW Cellular Genomics Futures Institute
- Dr. Alex Brown, Professor of Indigenous Genomics, Australian National University | Telethon Kids Institute
- Dr. Emma Ball, Head of Illumina for Startups Australia, Illumina