
This webinar will provide an overview of the development, validation and clinical evaluation of PathoQuest’s iDTECT Blood. This CE IVD test represents an application of NGS-based shotgun metagenomics to the field of infectious disease diagnosis. The test provides microbiologists and clinicians a precision diagnostics tool allowing individualized antimicrobial treatment decisions in patients where current microbiological methods frequently fail to identify a responsible pathogen. Both the sample preparation and the bioinformatic pipeline have been optimized to provide high sensitivity and accuracy and an actionable report. Clinical results from a prospective study recently published in Clinical Microbiology and Infection will also be discussed.

Date & Time
2 May 2017
9 AM (PT)
North America
Helene Peyro-Saint-Paul, MD - Chief Medical Officer
Genetic & rare diseases, Microbial genomics
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